Ikrenge cultural center is located at kirenge cya Ruganzu,literally the foot of Ruganzu,in Gako cell,Rusiga sector,Rulindo district in northern province,the Ikirenga cultural center(ICC) is 25 kilometers from Kigali along Kigali-Musanze main road.the center is built on an historical site named in reference to the famous king Ruganzu II Ndori. Ruganzu,the winner is well known in the Rwandan history due to his winning character,daily live signs on rocks visible even today at many places where he stayed and so many mysterious war techniques today hardly believable.
the center is also a park where the public can stroll at leisure.the activities at ICC are based on arts and crafts,performing arts&oral traditions,material culture,historical and cultural sites.
Ikirenga cultural center Traditional meal prepared and served in the local pots
women making hand made crafts Some of the items in the gifts shop
You can now book a tour with us to experience the culture of the Rwandan people and per take in it,after or before a gorilla trek or even without a gorilla trek,we will be happy to make for you a booking and enjoy cultural performances too.