Africa Facts East African Countries List to Visit


East Africa consist of numerous countries, all of which are listed below. The eastern region of Africa has a long history, in fact most archaeological experts believe it is there that modern humans originated. Below you will find a list of East African Countries followed by a list of interesting facts about this region and the countries found there. This information is written for both kids and adults. This information includes what country in East Africa is called the “Safari Capital of the World” and when and where in East Africa the oldest human remains have been discovered.

East Africa Map

List of East Africa Countries

Please note that the countries to include in a list of East African countries is open to debate. The countries listed below are often considered a part of this region.

Rwanda, Tanzania,Uganda,Kenya, Burundi,Djibouti, Comoros, Eritrea, etc.

Interesting East Africa Region Facts

  • The two tallest mountains on the African continent, Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, are located in East Africa.
  • Lake Tanganyika, the second deepest lake on the earth, is in East Africa.
  • Between 1967 and 1974 the oldest Homo sapiens remains ever discovered were unearthed by archaeologist in the Omo National Park in south-western Ethiopia. Other sites where early human remains have been discovered include the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania and Ethiopia’s Awash Valley.
  • In the 1400s Portuguese explorers became the first Europeans to explore East Africa; these explorations included modern-day Tanzania, Kenya, and Mozambique.
  • In the late 1800s through the early 1900s European countries competed with each other to conquer and control vast regions of East Africa; this became known as “the Scramble for Africa”.
  • Numerous religions are practiced throughout East Africa. In the northern section of East Africa as well as along the East coast of Africa many people are Muslim where as in other areas of this region many people are Christian. Traditional native religions are also practiced in many areas of East Africa.
  • Hundreds of different languages are spoken within East Africa; with Swahili being the most common.
  • The clothing worn by the people of East Africa varies. In urban areas many of the people where western styled clothing. In rural areas traditional clothing is worn by many people; often including bright colors and wraps.
  • East Africa has some of the most amazing wildlife in the world. In this region of Africa, you will find numerous animals including lions, zebras, wildebeest, cheetahs, hyenas, leopards, and well over one thousand species of birds.
  • Running through East Africa is the Great Rift Valley. This trench, which is approximately 3,700 miles (6,000 kilometers) long was formed by strong geological activity that resulted in the earth’s crust sinking. The Great Rift Valley is home to spectacular wildlife and amazing scenery.

Interesting East Africa Country Facts

  • Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world is located in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya.
  • Mountain Gorilla as one the species of big Apes remaining on earth can be found in Rwanda, Uganda and D.R.Congo only.
  • Kenya is often referred to as the “Safari Capital of the World” where tourist flock to see such animals such as lions, cheetahs, and elephants.
  • The country of Seychelles is actually a group of small islands (an archipelago) located off the coast of East Africa in the Indian Ocean.